Hands-On Activities: Food Pyramid, Maya Angelou and Advertising
The Food Pyramid
Carmen introduces her topic Food Pyramid
Carmen's, Danielle's and Mackenzie's lessons were a display of creative activities. Carmen gave us cuttings of different foods to glue onto a blank food pyramid.
Blank Food Pyramid Pyramid with Food Items
Carmen checks the students understand the assignment
Lesson Plan- The Food
I. Objective
To teach children how the food
pyramid works and the amount of every group they should consume in a day.
Language: English
Materials: PowerPoint, food
pyramid activity on paper, glue, images of food.
II. Key Vocabulary
Food Pyramid; Fats, Oils and
Sweets; Milk, Yogurt and Cheese Group; Meats, Poultry, Dry Beans, Eggs and Nuts
Group; Vegetable Group; Fruit Group; Bread, Cereal, Rice and Pasta Group.
III. Procedure (Lesson Sequence)
Explain each group about the food
pyramid, giving details of each group and the amount of each that should be
eaten in a day. All this explained in Power Point slides. After explaining
everything about the food pyramid, the students will received an activity in
which they have to paste the different types of food in the correct category of
the food pyramid.
IV. Motivation (5 min)
Learning about the food pyramid is
very important for kids, to have knowledge about the portion of food they
should eat. All this is very important to have a healthy life.
V. Presentationof Lesson (15min)
Explain what is the food pyramid,
describing each group of the food pyramid and the portions that should be
consume in a day.
VI. Review, Guided Practice
and/or Independent Practice (20 min)
Kids will get in groups of 2 or 3
and will realize a group activity. The group activity will consist in a food
pyramid in which each food should be paste in the specific group.
VI. Assesment
What food goes in what group? How
much should be consume of each group each day?
VII. Follow – Up Extensionsand Home Learning
Think about what we learn today
and take into consideration the amount of each group of food you are eating
home, so you can have a healthy life.
VIII. Reflection
Kids and parents now a days are
very concern about having a healthy life. Knowing about eating the correct
portions of food is something in which people is more involve every time more.
So that is why it is very important to know this and schools should teach more
about this and about nutrition.
Maya Angelou
Danielle introduces her lesson on Maya Angelou
After introducing her topic and explaining that Maya Angelou was born on that same day, April 4th, but in 1928 in St. Louis, Missouri, Danielle asked us to use lines of one of Angelou's poems to create expressive movement that matched Angelou's words.
Cuttings of the poem
Danielle explains the exercise
After introducing her lesson on Advertising, Mackenzie gave us the choice of creating our own add and/or commercial and then share with the class our acting and/or drawing abilities.
Mackenzie introduces her topic
Her explanations about advertising were succinct and engagind.
The three presenters were graceful, engaging, accurate and fun. In general, we have being taught lessons that can emulate those of a professional teacher. The students have put a great amount of effort, time and commitment into the planning and execution of their topics. They will leave this semester with a great sense of accomplishment, which is the aim of any conscientious educator.
"Today, there were three subjects taught in class: the food pyramid, Maya Angelou and advertising. The food pyramid is important for little kids to learn about nutrition and recognize what foods were important to eat. The second lesson about Maya Angelou helped students learn about the her contributions to poetry. I liked learning about herself and how she came to be. It provided a backstory and deep understanding of her poems and writing. Acting and performing lines from her poems were extremely funny because everyone in the class got to see each other’s interpretation. The final presentation about advertising was fascinating because, I am currently taking a class about that. I enjoyed the group activity because it provided a collaborated and creative experience." Victor Starr
"I liked all the presentations of today’s class. I thought that Carmen did a pretty good job. I liked the little activity at the end. Danielle did a very good job and I liked the activity she proposed. At the beginning I was pretty skeptical because it was hard to understand what the poet was saying in the poem due to the American accent. I really liked how she broke down the poem making us acting it!! I will definitely remember it! McKenzie did a good job. Teaching advertising in 20 minutes is not easy and I liked the activity at the end. I also liked the examples that she showed to the class." Lucy Pampana
"All presentations incorporated team work and the arts in some form. There were different elements (PowerPoints, videos, pictures, charts, etc). Time for sharing allowed our minds to be creative or to think out of the box." Danielle Mcintosh
I think all three lessons today were very creative and allowed the students to interact with other people and collaborate on ideas. Emphasized the importance of remembering what foods are healthy to eat, the most beneficial. It’s important for this topic to be taught because it comes back to the obesity epidemic that is going on around the United States. Danielle emphasized the importance of culture and why history is important to go over. Without these iconic figures, our world would be very different. The activity we did allowed students to use expression to communicate the poem and the meaning behind he words. Advertising: Marketing is an important quality to understand since it surrounds us in our everyday lives. Whether we’re listening to commercial radios or watching them on television, there’s always a message to be interpreted. The activity we did had us use our creative minds to the best that we can to market a product that is struggling to come up with ideas. Sort of an out of the box activity." Gillian Sutherland
"Today’s class was excellent. I consider it to be a great improvement from the other lessons since the three of the lessons from today contained art. The art in the lessons varied, one was to paste the food pyramid so it was like arts and crafts. The second one was about Maya Angelou and the teacher implemented poetry and movement, so it was very artistic. The third one also was artistic since it was advertising and we needed to be creative to come up with a way to advertise Crocs or Spam." Myra Orillac
"Carmen (the food pyramid): It was a good lesson. Danielle ( Maya angelou): I loved this lesson because I didn’t know who she was and also because Danielle made us move and think in the art way. Mackenzie (Advertising): It was creative and interesting since we had to create an ad but I think that we should need more time to come up with a good and complete idea." Fortuna Gateno
"I liked the activity in the food pyramid presentation because you got to be artistic in gluing the pictures of the food instead of any old "worksheet" that could have been handed out instead. It could motivate the students because it is a different activity that can switch up from the monotony of a school day. In the Maya Angelou presentation, I liked how she incorporated the arts even more to have the students act out what they were hearing in the poem. This can help the students connect with the literature. In the marketing presentation the videos and examples really helped to show what a successful campaign is like. And the activity forced students to go into their creative side to make their own campaign. The only thing I might do differently is show what is considered an unsuccessful ad campaign." Tommy Covelli
"Today’s lesson was amazing. My favorite lesson was the Maya Angelo because I grew up knowing the “Still I Rise” poem. However, the marketing was exciting and a fun way to work on the marketing skills because that is apart of my minor. Collaborating with my classmates helped to share collective ideas for one project which is a daily life necessity. I wouldn’t change anything in the lesson as they all did a great job explaining and teaching. The communication was on point for each grade level." Destiny Washington
"The food pyramid was very good a lot of knowledge. The Maya Angelo lesson was great, a very well known respected woman and her accolades are amazing. I would do nothing different I’m sure with enough time she would have had an even better lesson planned. The advertising was fun because I minor in acting so it’s pretty fun doing it goofing around and having fun with others; if I gave it, I would have turned it into a project" Joe Jackson
"I really liked Carmen's food pyramid! It was so cute how she cut out little pictures of food and brought glue sticks. It would be a great learning experience for young kids. The Maya Angelou presentation was very well done. She asked the students questions to maintain interaction and attention. I really liked the activity and how she encouraged us to move around while learning the poem. Overall, I think the lessons have greatly improved throughout the past few days. All the ones today incorporated arts in some way and it was very enjoyable." Mackenzie Buckley
"I loved the variety of classes today! Carmen’s food pyramid was simple, yet helped us really ingrain the information in our minds, with the pasting of the different foods. It was easy and enjoyable. McKenzie- I loved the Maya Angelou class today because I thought it was really special we got to celebrate her birthday in such a unique way. The activity was simple, yet rewarding. It helped us all find meaning to the beautifully written poem. Honestly, I was very impressed. The advertising class Jill did was also extremely informative. I thought it was fun breaking into large groups and making a commercial. It allowed us to be creative and work “hands on." Paige Cilluffo
"The food pyramid
lecture and activity were very interesting because it is an issue that concerns
us a lot nowadays although we don't know much about it, and we should be more
conscious of what we eat and the portions we eat specially and this activity
helps us with that. I enjoyed the Maya Angelou activity because it was
interactive and very sentimental. I have always seen the issue of racism as one
of the biggest in America, and I think the message conveyed in her poem is one
that should be heard by everyone. Sometimes we have to hear it more than once
to pay attention to it, and the acting activity was great for visualizing and
paying attention to those deep words. The advertising class was great for me
because I am an Advertising Major, and it was very fun to see other people's
ideas and also a challenge to sell products that 'no one likes' to a target
market of your choice. I liked that it was for a college class for the first
time because it actually challenged us." Ana Moreno
"Today’s presentations were all very interactive and creative. I thought the poetry/acting exercise was very effective in getting us to work with each other and use art to express the words of the poem. I also enjoyed the challenge of coming up with an advertisement on the fly for two items that I don’t really know much about." Masai Rains
"I loved the activity of the food pyramid. Making the commercial was fun and different. I enjoyed acting out the Poem." Amanda Clichy
"The food pyramid class was fun and made me feel like a kid again. I really enjoyed the inspirational quotes from the Maya Angelou lesson and thought the activity was creative and entertaining. I really enjoyed the advertisements we saw in class as examples and the activity was challenging but fun." Alexia Hirlemann
"I liked the food pyramid because it was useful info for everyday life. The second one was cool to see how different minds come up with different actions for poetry and the last one was my favorite because it was very stimulating and made you think a lot about advertising and what makes people interested in ads. What catches attention." Katherine Vavoulis
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